What Human Foods Are Dangerous For Cats?

What Human Foods Are Dangerous For Cats?

Dr. Abdul Basit Javed (DVM, RVMP)

Cats may occasionally benefit from eating human food, but this isn't always the case. Some human foods can be harmful to cats and result in health issues that can be life-threatening.


Cats are carnivores, and the majority of their diet consists of protein. Foods such as onions, alcohol, and coffee, among others, can be dangerous to cats if consumed. It might be difficult to resist the urge to share your food with your feline companion, but always be cautious because cats have extremely sensitive stomachs and can become ill rather easily.


If you want to provide your cat with a healthy lifestyle, cat parents need to understand exactly what they should feed their cat and what food to avoid for cats. Read on to learn what foods are harmful to your cats from a veterinarian!

Dangerous Foods For Cats: Vet Explains

  1. Onions, chives, garlic

Onions, chives, and garlic in all forms either raw, powdered or dried are extremely dangerous for cats and can lead to hemolytic anemia (breakdown of red blood cells) due to a chemical compound known as N-propyl disulfide. Your cat may also start to pass bloody urine if it has consumed a lot of onions. Never follow a home remedy that says feed these food items to your cats.

  1. Coffee

All food items that contain caffeine are not good for cats including coffee, tea, beverages, etc. Caffeine toxicity can occur in cats and its symptoms include irregular heartbeat, increased breathing rate, dilated pupils, and convulsions. It is best to avoid feeding any food item to your cat that contains caffeine.

  1. Alcohol

All kinds of alcoholic drinks like wine, beer, liquor, etc are considered dangerous for cats because they can have serious effects on the liver and brain of a cat. Mild quantities of alcohol can cause coma or even death in cats.

  1. Tuna (Regularly)

Although tuna is a wonderful diet for cats, you should only give it to them periodically. If you give your cat tuna frequently, whether it's canned or raw, it might result in various nutritional deficiencies. Because tuna has significant quantities of mercury in its flesh, your cat may get mercury poisoning if it consumes it frequently.

  1. Chocolate

Cats do not consume chocolate on their own, but some cat parents may give it to them as a treat. This is not a good idea since chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical compound that is toxic to cats and can induce tremors, seizures, irregular heartbeat, and even death. Theobromine is present in all varieties of chocolate including white chocolate

  1. Grapes, Raisins

These are not regarded as safe for cats since they have been linked to numerous health problems, including renal failure. Consumption of grapes and raisins can also cause vomiting in certain cats, which can lead to dehydration, thus these foods should be avoided.

  1. Raw eggs

Even though some cats can eat raw eggs without any issues, sometimes they can induce stomach problems due to Salmonella contamination, which is dangerous for cats.

  1. Raw fish and meat

Raw meat and fish can contain parasites and bacteria that can upset the stomach of your kitty and cause other health issues. Some parasites in meat can cause cyst formation in the brain of cats, so it is best to feed cooked meat and fish to your cat that is unsalted and without added flavorings.



  1. Foods Your Cat Should Never Eat. (n.d.). WebMD. Retrieved September 1, 2022, from https://pets.webmd.com/cats/ss/slideshow-foods-your-cat-should-never-eat


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